Raising reliability and awareness rates in investment funds.
Motivating fair competition for outstanding performance.
Honoring and celebrating the Best distinctive experiences
An interactive platform for exchanging expertise, best practices and successful experiences.
Highlighting those who excel in creating new investment funds to achieve the objectives of the Financial Sector Development Program
Effective contribution with government efforts to deepen investment fund sector within efforts to enhance institutional investment.
Saudi Sharia equity funds Track
GCC equity fund category track
Arab Equity Funds Category Track
Multi-asset investment fund category track
Sukuk and bonds Track
Investment fund innovation Track
The endowment investment funds category track
Murabaha and liquidity funds category track
REIT Category Track
European stock category track
US stock fund category track
Asian equity fund category track
ETF Category Track
IPOs funds category track
Providing clear evaluation mechanisms.
Dealing with all parties fairly without favor or bias.
Inclusiveness of all target
Working to improve performance of competitors for the Award.
Evaluating all investment funds in the financial market according to the Best practices
Review and confirm compliance with standards and conditions for each branch
Determine winners in each branch of the Award